What would you do if electronic appliances start talking to you?

The Open Electricity Market enables consumers to buy electricity from a retailer of their choice.
But there is a lot to know before they switch to a new retailer.
Instead of creating another educational video with cute animations and lots of text on the screen, we decided to bring some joy to Singaporeans’ lives and make our communication two sided.
Special thanks to our smartest and the brightest experts; Kettle and Lamp.
Brought to life by these hilarious people.
Let's have a look at the teaser.
And here is the full online film. 
Some were shocked...
Some were amused...
and the Singaporeans loved it, with more than 500,000 views and counting...
Wondering how it all came together? 
Well it was a lot of panic, some optimism, and a passionate team to make the impossible happen in just 1 month.

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