Valentines day is the day of love. Millenials are always on the lookout for unique ways to express themselves and tell the world how they feel. So Tic Tac decided to launch a campaign TIC TAC LOVEBYTES, where everyone could say what they wanted with some pizzaazz. The only challenge was to be able to say it in 8 letter. Go figure!
A social media campaign to celebrate the love in the air
A Facebook App that allows people to write their lovey dovey nicknames for each other, their first date memories, their one quality they adore or hate etc. Once the two love birds have filled in their answers the Love Byte is complete and forms the kiss. 
The campaign was hugely successful amongst the teens and young adults. The participation and the brand engagement was surprisingly amazing. Over 200k shares and 250k posts. Looks like Singapore proved to be a romantic city after all.

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